Brightspace en Portflow Student

How do I add a course to my homepage? (copied)

Updated on

Pin a course to make it visible by default on your personal Brightspace homepage. New courses in which you are enrolled in, are automatically pinned.

  1. Click the Course selector icon on the minibar. A list with (multiple) courses appears, including your personal Sandbox. If you do not see the Sandbox, please contact [email protected].
  2. Click the pushpin icon behind the name of the course  to pin or unpin it:
    • Grey filled pushpin: the course is pinned to your homepage.
    • Empty pushpin: the course is not pinned to your homepage.

Pinned courses will automatically appear on top of the list with results after they are pinned. If you want a quick overview of your pinned courses, click the Pinned tab. You can also select a tab for every year.

If you are enroled in more than twenty courses then you can use a search bar to search course. You can also use Advanced Search to sort or filter the search results, for example by Role, Semester or Department. Your last search appears on top of the course list, below the already pinned courses. Note: the searchbar is visible if you are enrolled in twenty courses or more. Also the sort and filter options are only available if you are enrolled in courses at multiple faculties or semesters.

You can change the order of the courses on your personal homepage only by pinning courses in a certain order. The first course you pin will be placed at the top, the second course you pin will be placed next to the first, et cetera. There is no other way to reorder the tiles on your personal homepage.

  • Are you missing a course? You may not be enrolled yet. Please contact the Brightspace administrator of your academy for this.
  • Brightspace will automatically display twelve courses on your personal homepage, even if you have pinned less than twelve.