Brightspace en Portflow Student

How do I adjust my account settings?

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Under Account Settings, you can adjust many of the display options in the Brightspace environment to your own preferences. These adjustments are personal and do not affect how you view a course.

  1. Pronouns: You can specify whether other users can see your pronouns and which pronouns you would like to use.
  2. Font Settings: Change the text size in Brightspace. Text in images, documents, and objects will not change.
  3. Reading Content: In some Brightspace features, text is automatically marked as "read" when you scroll over it. You can prevent this by checking the box for "Do not automatically mark items as read as the page scrolls."
  4. Video Settings: You can enable assistive tools to view and play videos (optimize video display) for users with disabilities.

Within Locale & Language you can change the clock display, first day of the week, and the format for dates, numbers, and percentages.

  1. Time Zone: You can change the time zone.
  2. Signing in: Check "Always appear offline" if you want to prevent others from seeing when you are logged in. Check "Appear Online" if you want your online status to be visible to others.
  3. Application Settings: Here you can see which apps have access to your Brightspace account, such as the Pulse app. You can also revoke access by clicking on "Revoke Access."
  4. Save and Close: Click on "Save and Close" to save your changes and return to the page from where you navigated to your account settings.
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